Eldy participates to CPDP – Computers, Privacy and Data Protection, the greatest international conference dedicated to the theme of computer, privacy and data protection in the age of Internet.
The conference takes place in Brussels from 25th to 27th Jenuary 2012 at Les Halles de Schaerbeek and the participants are the most important european and international experts of privacy and data protection.
To know more about it and receive detailed information please click here.

18/01/2012 | News |
We are hiring: please follow this link to post your resume.
Job posted by Vegan Solutions srl (19/09/2011 17.47)
Research and IT Development on Ageing Citizen Solutions
In the framework of Marie Curie Project, Vegan Solutions – Vicenza, Italy is looking for experienced researcher in the filed of software development and ageing research.
Basic qualifications we are looking for are academics education, familiarity with digital technologies, excellent communication skills (in English) and a strong convincing personality with an entrepreneurial spirit, together with a Ethic and humanistic vision and experience.
In Software development you have wide-ranging responsibilities over specification, design and realisation of software components; functions for real-time data streams and user interfaces. You should have proven experience in computer science (or similar) fields and in the design of complex systems.
20/09/2011 | News |

On this LINK the French Softonic has written a nice article about ” Eldy, le navigateur pour les personnes âgées”.
Here’s a brief abstract:
Avec les grands-parents, c’est souvent la même histoire. Des icônes illisibles, des textes trop petits, des fenêtres à n’en plus finir, il y a de quoi vite se décourager si vous n’avez jamais été en contact avec le monde de l’informatique. “De toute façon, je ne comprends rien! Ce n’est pas fait pour moi!”.
Oui mais voilà, c’était sans compter Eldy, un navigateur spécialement conçu pour les personnes âgées. Développé par une association sans but lucratif, voici un tour d’horizon de ses fonctionnalités très particulières. Avant de l’utiliser, vous devez bien entendu installer le programme. Eldy bénéficie d’un processus d’installation très simple et en français. Il vous suffit de suivre l’assistant et de cliquer sur “Suivant”. Pour cette étape, nous conseillons tout de même aux personnes du troisième âge de se faire accompagner.
Eldy est, à n’en pas douter, un bon logiciel qui mérite toute votre attention. Permettre aux personnes du troisième et quatrième âge de se lancer à la conquête du Web, voilà une très bonne idée de départ. A l’image des téléphones pour séniors, Eldy souhaite accompagner et faciliter l’accès des personnes âgées dans le monde du numérique et, plus précisément, d’Internet.
5/08/2011 | Il software, News |
A glance at a new, intriguing implementation we’re delivering in these days:
a port of Eldy over a television, set top box , for Comune di Pordenone.
Although the interface are in Italian, you can see this movie to see the preview of the implementation, from february 2011.
We shall publish final and latest version when the deliverables have been agreed (that will be about 15/7/2011).
29/06/2011 | News |
We’ve just published all papers of the conference in Bruxelles at:
1/06/2011 | News |
This is the announcement of the ELDY conference in Brussels.
We’re going to meet the 6th of May 2011, and we’ll analyze and discuss very significant e-inclusion projects:
– the Regione Lombardia experience in E-inclusion
– the Ile De France intergenerational Sonie Project
– the Eldy projects in Italy
– the Mexico experience in Queretero.
We’ll update on new developments and collect requests of implementations & suggestions.
The 6th evening we’ll have a wonderful time in Brussels, with a very nice party all together.
For those of you who can’t join us , we’ll try to stream the most significant part of the conference online.
more details @: http://eldybrussels.eventbrite.com

11/04/2011 | News |
For the next three months two senior researcher by ELDY will be disseminating ELDY in two European Universities, as representatives of the Marie Curie Research project “VALUE AGEING”

Emma Dora Loeffelstiel, is at VUB University, [Vrije Universiteit Brussel] Brussels, disseminating Eldy in Flemish and working on a research focused on Seniors, Dignity and technology

Anna Bianco is at QUB university, [ Queens University of Belfast] working hard on project GANTT and work packages
Anna and Emma are preparing an article to share their experience.
If you ever come to Brussels or Belfast, pay a visit to Anna & Emma.
17/03/2011 | News, Progetti di inclusione |
Here’s the abstract of the 2010 annual letter to Eldy.net volunteer:
“dear All
thank you for all your efforts to localize Eldy in your languages, from the very first translation to the latest.
We’ve seen Brazilian, Mexican, Swedish, to mention a few. …
Training are going on in Switzerland, US, Ireland, UK, … every where.
It’s very strong feeling for us to see Eldy spreading so much in so far territories, as a software and as a social system with volunteers and people teaching seniors how to find their way into this brand new world interconnected, far yet one click away.
The last thought of the year is for you, dear volunteers: if you ever can please pay us a visit in Vicenza , it will be a pleasure to take you to Venice and spend a nice evening in front of a Pizza and a glass of wine.
Finally, I’ve just received latest translations contributions: here’s to you Eldy in Arabic, by Mohamed.
So, let’s recall one of the first translations (Ukrainian), by Vladimir and let’s preview the latest:
29/12/2010 | News |
A nice article on Eldy has appeared on MakeUseof.com
There are more than 6 million people over the age of 60 who aren’t familiar with the Internet, which is understandable since most operating systems available out there just aren’t exactly geared towards the elderly. There are things that will take some time to get used to, things like file browsers that hint at lots of folders that you’ll never touch and sometimes even cryptic error messages that don’t help much in resolving a problem.
The Eldy Association is an Italian non-profit organization looking to make it easier for new computer users to learn about email, browsing the web and more. According to its website, the Association’s goal is to “reach out to the elderly and disabled community with a simple computer program that can encourage their staying active and social, thus reducing their isolation and loneliness”.
What Is Eldy?
The resulting computer program that the Eldy Association came up with is Eldy, a bundle of essential programs in a easy-to-understand interface for the elderly, with big text and simple, recognizable icons, that has been translated to 22 languages. Think of it as a blown-up mini-operating system that contains an email client, chat system, web browser and even access to a simplified version of Notepad, Eldy TV, and Skype.
Read all at: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/teach-senior-email-browse-web-eldy/
30/11/2010 | News |
Die gemeinnützige Stiftungsgesellschaft Eldy Onlus http://www.eldy.org hat in Zusammenarbeit mit www.computerias.ch eine Schweizerische Version ihres speziell für ältere und behinderte Personen entwickelten PC-Anwenderprogramms bereitgestellt.
Das kostenlos erhältliche “Eldy 2.3CH” zeichnet sich durch seine besonders einfache Bedienung und speziell auf den Adressatenkreis abgestimmte Themen aus.
24/11/2010 | News |